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School Readiness

Transition to school, will your child be ready?

For every child, starting school is a big step. Some children need a little extra help to get ready for and to make that step into big school.

How we can help:
• Create an individualised plan for your child to help them to develop the skills they need for a successful transition to school.
• We will assess your child’s strengths with respect to school readiness, as well as areas where they may need some assistance.
• We work with your child’s childcare centre or preschool as well as their prospective school to make sure your child gets the best possible start to their school career.

• OT does not involve learning letters and numbers but acquiring the basic underlying skills your child needs.
• For example: We can help with identifying sensory difficulties that your child may have and help the prospective school to modify the tasks and environment at school to ensure your child is able to participate to their full potential.

School Readiness
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